The Fédération Internationale des Patrouilles de Ski (FIPS) is the international organization representing ski patrol and associated ski safety organizations with membership from throughout the world. These patrol and safety organizations comprise full time & volunteer ski patrollers, doctors, lawyers, engineers, technicians, ski equipment instructors, ski area managers, etc., who are involved in the multidisciplinary activities of ski patrolling and safety.
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FIPS has been an active member of International Commission for Alpine Rescue since October 2015. As well, FIPS has a Memorandum of Understanding with both the Federation International de Ski and the International Paralympic Committee.

The concept of FIPS can be traced back prior to 1979 when the first meeting was held in Calgary, Canada. Although there were many ski patrols in existence at that time, there was very little communication between them. Patrollers who had the opportunity to ski in other countries noticed differences and some commonality in procedures and standards relative to their own. In addition, accident prevention programs were being implemented in some countries but not in others. A number of countries did not have a national ski patrol organization.
FIPS was created as the world forum for ski patrollers to meet, exchange ideas and compare the latest in patrol techniques on a regular basis. FIPS is supported by national patrol organizations, both large and small, to provide the necessary input and to offer potential solutions to patrolling issues.
Not all patrols gain the same benefits from FIPS. Indeed there are many that give a lot more than they receive. This sharing is the essence of FIPS. As more and more countries join FIPS, the interchange of ideas can only improve the effectiveness of ski patrolling and, in turn, benefit the snow sports public.
FIPS exists due to the combined efforts of interested patrollers, individual ski patrols and national patrol organizations. With their help, FIPS will continue to grow in size and stature, and will continue to ensure patrollers deliver the best services possible to the skiing public.