Summary feedback on the
23rd FIPS World Congress
Val Thorens, France
April 23 – 30, 2022
The 23rd FIPS World Congress held in April, 2022 at Val Thorens, France was attended by
110 ski patrollers and associates from around the ski patrol organization federation.
Following the Congress, a survey was circulated to solicit views to provide guidance in
planning and presenting the 2024 FIPS World Congress to be held in Riksgränsen,
Sweden, 300 km north of the arctic circle. 32 responses were received from different
member organizations as noted in the first bar chart. This reflects a response rate of
The full detailed survey response with all comments has been provided to the organizers
and the FIPS executive for consideration in planning future events. A summary of the
survey is provided here for all FIPS members .