It is with great pleasure that we announce the 24th FIPS World Congress winner of the Mark Labow Award.

The award goes to Terry Abrams of Canada for all he has done for FIPS.

Terry Abrams Mark Labow Award Winner

24th Congress – Mark Labow Award Winner

Terry Abrams

History of Involvement with Federation Internationale des Patrouilles de Ski (FIPS) –

  • May 1993          Nakiska, Kananaskis Country, Alberta, Canada. “An Introduction to Critical Incident Stress and Stress Debriefing”
  • Apr 2005           Tignes, France “Pain Management and the Canadian Ski Patrol System”, “Use of Dimorphine for Pain Management in the Pediatric Population”, “AED Implementation in Ski Patrols in Canada”
  • Apr 2007           Snowbird, Utah, USA                         “Management of Femur Fractures”
  • Apr 2009           Are, Sweden                        “Evolution of the Canadian Ski Patrol”
  • Apr 2014           Big White, BC. Canada                         “Incident Scenarios – Sharing of Multi-national Techniques”
  • Apr 2016           Passo Tonale, Italy
  • Sept 2019         Cerro Catedral, Patagonia, Argentina “CPR on the Move” lecture, CPR on the move skill stations, dislocations/fracture small group discussions, shoulder dislocation immobilization skill station
  • April 2022          Val Thorens, France “Pediatric Assessment”, “Discussion of COVID experiences internationally in the ski patrolling environment”.
  • April 2024          Riksgränsen Sweden “Paradise Paradox – Mental health issues in resort towns (film)”, “The Development of FIPS Medical Guidelines Document for New Patrols”


  • CSP Board representative at 2009 Congress
  • Medical Special Interest Group – member 2016 to 2018
  • Medical Special Interest Group – Secretary 2018 to 2022
  • Medical Special Interest Group – Coordinator 2022 to present

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