Your invitation to the first “FIPS Patroller Webinar”

The Fédération Internationale des Patrouilles de Ski (FIPS) is proud to present the first in an ongoing series of webinars that will be of benefit to ski patrollers around the world. Topics will provide professional development for patrollers leading to increased knowledge to improve performance in rescue, assessment, treatment, and transport of patients.

We are excited to present, on January 24th, 2023, at 20:00 UTC, a one-hour webinar featuring experts addressing 1) the Pediatric Patient, and 2) Avalanche Safety.

 Our first moderator will be the chair of the Medical SIG, Terry Abrams.This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Terry-Abrams-1.jpg

Terry Abrams is a Calgary, Canada-based patroller who is also an Advanced Care Paramedic. He has been patrolling for 43 seasons including the alpine World Cup races at Lake Louise and the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Alpine events. He is an author, researcher and guest speaker at FIPS World Congresses as well as in Canada. He is the Coordinator of the FIPS Medical Special Interest Group. Terry will introduce:

Niels Giddins, former Chair of Pediatric Cardiology at Deborah Heart and Lung Center, New Jersey USA and currently Associate Professor at the University of Vermont Children’s Hospital, USA. Niels, a member of the National Ski Patrol, USA, will provide valuable insight into the assessment and treatment of pediatric patients with the underlying message that “Children are NOT miniature adults”.

Niels will outline significant differences in anatomy and physiology as well as practical guidance for optimal care of our youngest and smallest winter sport enthusiasts.

Our second moderator will be the co-chair of the Avalanche SIG, Johan Af Ekenstam.This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Johan-Af-Ekenstam-1024x768.jpg

Johan Af Ekenstam is a professional ski patroller, with 25 years’ experience, working primarily in Hemavan, Swedish Lapland, where he lives. He has been a mountain rescuer for 20 years and is an avalanche dog handler. Johan is a team leader on the local fire and rescue service and is an avalanche forecaster through the winter. Johan will introduce:

Manuel Genswein, Founder of Manuel has been working for 30 years in research and development in the domain of avalanche safety and rescue. His wide range of activity includes publications in risk perception and management, rescue and medical protocols, operational avalanche risk management, UIAA equipment safety standards as well as the development of search devices. Manuel is teaching in 32 countries, mainly focusing on “train the trainers” programs.

“In spite of the fact that avalanche search techniques including transceivers, Recco, and avalanche dogs should be able to find buried subjects relatively quickly, probe lines remain important, particularly in close proximity to ski resorts. We will discuss the different probe line techniques, their particular advantages and disadvantages.”

FIPS provides support and information on best practices in ski patrolling to member organizations around the world. This webinar, being held at 20:00 UTC, will be recorded and posted on the FIPS website for ongoing review and reference.

By clicking on any of the following link, you will be able to:

View detailed webinar information and register for attendance at the webinar,

Be informed when the recorded webinar is available,

Receive notices of future FIPS events and webinars.


FIPS thanks Helly Hansen for helping make this webinar possible.   


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